Markets Enter bear Territory, Expect more from covid in US

Feds are in printing mode.
Federal Reserve announced $500 Billion in 1-month repos and $500 Billion in 3 month repos despite the central bank holding a meeting next week.

Stock markets arent taking it well. Already dropped in the last few days, S&P ended the day under $250. Biggest 1-day drop for S&P500 since October 19, 1987. VIX is at 72. This makes it a lot easier for options to pay off.

COVID19 is causing more distuption in the US with NHL pausing its season. Pubs will be affected. People will be spending their time and money else where (think indoor). New York bans gatherings of over 500 as of 5pm Friday. Expect other cities to follow as it get bad. Elective surgeries may be ordered cancelled to ease medical system.

Be careful out there.